How a bullfight works: ** caution - it's not pretty, or good for anyone who has strong opinions about animals rights. *
Everyone who is going to be in the fighting area comes out - a few on horses as the people of introduction, a few torreros (not quite matadors, but a little above a stable boy) but men who were going to help the matador if he needed help and to also tease the bull, men on horse back that would pierce the bull with sharp stakes so that it would weaken it. However, the horses are completely covered in armor and padding so that they are not hurt by the bull when it gets upset that the person on the horse is hurting it. Just because the horses had armor though, did NOT mean that I didn't gasp every time the bull was angry and tried to gore the horse. The horses are also blind so they the do not become too spooked. (ha, like that was working that well, you are blind and all of a sudden - bull in your business poking you with it's horns - sounds like a great time.The bull is let into the ring, and the torreros tease and play with it to wear it down and make it tired.
The padded horses and men come in and the bull sees a new target and wants to make friends, the men on the horses stab the bull twice and then a horn sounds so that the horses can leave.
The torreros tease the bull again, and if he gets too close they have the chance of being gored (oh wait, we saw a torero get gored in the leg, but he was going to be ok. (just a little sore for a few days joked the men behind me) Once they get the bull's attention, they are able to stab him with two sharp stakes that are colorfully decorated. They do this 2 more times until the bull has 4-6 stakes in his shoulder area. But the stakes do not stay colorful for long, the blood from the bull quickly turns everything dark and red.
Finally the matador enters and has his time with the bull. He gets it to come close to him and stains blood all over his little outfit (but still looks very good in those pants, tights and funny little slippers) Once he and the audience have deemed that the bull has put up a good fight (I still haven't figured this part out yet-good vs. bad etc) he takes a sword that was hidden in his red cloth, and stabs the bull in between the shoulder blades to sever his spinal cord (? I think) however (brace yourself) he pierces the lung of the bull and the bull dies by drowning in his own blood. (Gory and horrible, but not as bad when you are far away and try to make yourself numb against all of this)
The bull dies and they pierce the neck to ensure it's death. Then donkeys and more men come out to cart the bull around the ring and then to take him away. The matador receives the ear of the bull for a good fight, and the tail for an ok fight, and nothing for a bad fight.
Then we start again from the bull entering the area. (I did this. 4 times)
Overall - interesting and I didn't hate it, but I don't know if I could go to another one just yet. I made it through 4 bulls, and I was fine, but more hungry than anything. An older man even asked when we left if we liked it or not and I stuttered through a response while a friend explained everything - we liked it, but we were hungry. He laughed and said - of course, your first priority.
Also - the women in front of me were never going to shut up, they were the most talkative people in all of Sevilla. I had a harder time concentrating because of them, however nothing was going to divert my attention from the bright red blood seeping from the bull's shoulders. I felt so bad for it, and yet I know the owner of the bull, the rancher who raised it, is proud of the bull and it's seen as an honor to have his bull in the ring. However, I was most excited to see the handsome bullfighter. (I am going to need a fan again) But he did have some close calls and was even flipped over the bull, but got away without a scratch, just covered in blood.
Yes, it was gory. Yes, it was violent. Yes, it's not a the best entertainment. But, it is and was a huge part of Spain's culture as well as a country pastime. Some people can watch it, others can't.
Also, I didn't take any pictures of the fight because I was worried about the gore factor, but I am going to "borrow" some from friends who did.